Is it possible to learn the cello online?

faq's learning cello online Aug 11, 2022

Have you ever felt blurry when practicing a new skill? Unsure of what to work on? 

The instant you learn something new, it starts to fade in your memory. Have you ever tried learning a new language, you do your lesson, and you have almost no idea what half the words were you learned by then end of it? We remember information best the first few seconds after hearing it. However, as time passes, our memories begin to fade.

This is what often happens to cello students who take in person lessons. During the lesson all of the information feels so clear and you feel so confident in your ability to play it with the concepts fresh in your mind. However, when you get home after your drive, it starts feeling fuzzy, and that hinders the speed of progress you are able to make towards your goal.


What if there was a way to remember material days, weeks or even years after learning it??

Did you know that there IS in fact a way that you can remember material hours, days and even weeks later just as well as the first time you heard it? It is all about the amount of time that passes between recalling the information and whether you are pulling it from short term memory or long term memory.

Think of it like this. When you are taught something new, it goes into a filing cabinet folder that is within arm’s reach and you are easily able to refer to it. As time passes, the accumulating files push that one to the back, resulting in more effort to find it next time you need it. Imagine shuffling through all the files, and maybe even finding that the information inside the file you are looking for has disintegrated over time.

The solution to this is by maximizing on the moment the information goes from the short term storage to long term storage. When the file is moved, you don’t want it to get lost on the road somewhere, trampled or rained on. You want the file to stay safe and easily accessible.


I have good news!! All you need is a proven process to get material from short term to long term memory. 

When you learn the cello, your brain is firing on all cylinders and it can be hard to think of everything at once. The solution to this is truly internalizing one concept at a time, systematically reviewing them using a method to convert the new files from short term to long term memory. This signature review process is based on being able to review your cello material immediately after class. When you are able to practice right away in your own home after your online class, you are able to integrate what you learn right away. That is the key to getting it into your long term memory.

When you take an online cello course you can practice immediately after the class! What that means for you being confident that you will remember what you learned. The real value is being able to play the cello with freedom and grace! Just yesterday I read an article on how adults learn and grow best when they learn in bite sized chunks consisting of some lecture, and much more dialogue, immediate review, and implementing what they learn right away. The best part is that there is a formula available to you to be able to do this on the cello.

Having confidence that you have the ability to make progress on the cello is what you want, isn’t it?

If your answer is yes, then click HERE to get on the waitlist for Simply Sound Cello Foundations. In this 8 week cello course you will learn the signature review method to practice with confidence, and implement a 15 minute daily creative practice that will develop your brain, give you peace of mind as you go about your day.

Have questions? I would love to chat on Instagram! DM me the word “blog” so I know where you are coming from and I will get back to you within 24-48 hours. Click here to go to the Inner Voice Instagram page!

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