How long does it take to learn the cello?

beginner cello faq's Jan 23, 2023

A question that I received recently regarding Simply Sound Foundations of Cello was “can you really learn the cello in 8 weeks?”

This is such a fantastic question, because it shows that you believe that things worth learning should take longer to learn. You are entirely right. Let me explain:

What do you think is more worth it?

Instantly having a skill without having to work for it, or enhancing every day of your life because you are building a skill?

I would say it is definitely the latter. Life is made up of years which is made up of days. If we focus on the destination of our work instead of the journey to our destination we will be unhappy all the time and no accomplishment or skill learned will feel like it is good enough.


Instead, imagine a world in which you focus on the work it takes to build skills and focus on the process.

Think about the skill that you are most proud of. Now think back to how many years you have spent working on that skill. I can almost guarantee that you answer was not “oh just a few weeks and I was a pro”… The skills you work on most are what give you the greatest sense of accomplishment and pride.

Now, the best kind of skills to work on are the kinds that will filter into other areas of your life. That is why learning the cello is SO. WORTH. IT. It is the kind of skill that you don’t need to master in order to reap the benefits, but the longer you stay at it, the more accumulating joy you will feel.

Taking 15 minutes of your day to practice cello will help you with focus, discipline, creativity, and most importantly, develop your brain so that you can be a better mother, entrepreneur, teacher and more.

It is the kind of skill that will give you instant gratification and joy as you practice, and then as you get better day in and day out, your joy will be exponential!

Just think of the sense of accomplishment you will feel having spent time on a skill that I admit is hard, but is SO worth it!


So to answer the original question:

While you can’t master the cello in 8 weeks, you absolutely CAN start building the foundation while experiencing brain and life changing benefits while you are at it. After completing the initial 8 week program you will join Inner Voice Academy which is the ongoing cello program (monthly subscription) to keep it in your life.

If that is you, and you see the value in committing to the process to learn the cello, then sign up for a free discovery call with Ine to chat! The purpose of this call is to save you time and make sure you are a good fit for the cello before investing.

Click HERE to book a discovery call.

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